A Preliminary Analysis of Goju-ryu Kata Structure


  • Fernando Portela Cámara IM-UFRJ (University of Brazil)
  • Mario Mckenna Vancouver health authority




Martial arts, combat sports, karate, kata


Miyagi Chojun (1888-1953) was the founder of Goju-ryu; a karate-do style that purportedly had ties to a Chinese boxing school established on Okinawa in 1828 and was based on the teachings of his primary instructor Higaonna Kanryo (1850-1915). Yet, the continuity of modern Goju-ryu with respect to its katas (forms) and these historical sources has never been established. Therefore, we employed a statistical technique to examine the relationship between the classical katas of modern Goju-ryu. It was reasoned that there would be continuity across all katas of modern Goju-ryu if they indeed came from a similar source. The results were insightful and suggest the possible origins of Goju-ryu katas.


Métricas alternativas


HIGAONNA, M. (1998). The history of karate: Okinawan Goju-ryu. Thousand Oaks, CA: Dragon Books.

HIRAKAMI, N. (2001, mayo). Secret of Nafadi and Fujian boxing, pt. 1-2. Gekkan Hiden, 110-114.

HOKAMA, T. (1999). Okinawa karate-do kobudo no shinzui. Naha: Naha Shuppansha. IWAI, T. (1992). The ancient transmission of karate-jutsu. Tokyo: Aiyudo.

KINJO, A. (1999). A true record of the transmission of karate. Okinawa: Tosho Center.

KINJO, H. (2007). Seitokukai Homepage. http://skrt.s43.xrea.com/karatejp/modules/ xoopsfaq/index.php?cat_id=7

MCCARTHY, P. (1993). An outline of karatedo. International Ryukyu Karate Research Society.

MCKENNA, M. (2001). Exploring goju ryu’s past: Myths & facts surrounding Higashionna Kanryo, pt. 1-2. Dragon Times, 18-19.

MURAKAMI, K. (1991). The heart and technique of karate. Tokyo: Shinjin Butsu Orai Sha Hakko.

OKASHIKI, I. (1991). Gohaku-kai yearbook (Vol. 4). Naha: n.p.

OKINAWA PREFECTURAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. (1994). A basic investigative report into karatedo and kobudo. Ginowan: Yojusha. T



How to Cite

Cámara, F. P., & Mckenna, M. (2012). A Preliminary Analysis of Goju-ryu Kata Structure. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 3(1), 60–67. https://doi.org/10.18002/rama.v3i1.347


