Initiation to combat sports from the perspective of ecological dynamics: the Constraints-Led Approach




Martial arts, combat sports, ecological dynamics, Pedagogical models, motor literacy, combat dexterity, CLA


This pre-eminently theoretical article aims to lay the foundations for an introduction to combat sports based on a motor learning model known as ecological dynamics, which tries to articulate the theories of James Gibson and Nikolai Bernstein with dynamical systems. More specifically, the article criticizes the cognitivism implicit in the notion of “knowing how to fight” (developed from comprehensive approaches) and proposes instead the concepts of combat motor literacy and combat dexterity from the perspective of ecological dynamics. The article also offers a series of pedagogical recommendations for the introduction to combat sports through modified games following the constraints-led approach (CLA). Likewise, it offers a training proposal from MMA and teaching practice using modified games from judo and grappling/Brazilian jiujitsu (BJJ).


Métricas alternativas

Author Biography

Raúl Sánchez-García, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Raúl Sánchez García (Spain), PhD, researcher at the Sports Science Research Centre, King Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain. Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (RAMA) and the International Review for the Sociology of Sport (IRSS). His main areas of research are: ethnographic studies on combat sports and martial arts, motor learning from ecological dynamics and ethnomethodology, socio-historical analysis of martial arts/combat sports and violence. He has published numerous articles in international academic journals. He has also edited books such as Fighting Scholars: Habitus and Ethnographies of Martial Arts and Combat Sports (2013) or Excitement Processes: Norbert Elias's unpublished works on sports, leisure, body, culture (2018). His book The Historical Sociology of Japanese Martial Arts (2019) was awarded the Norbert Elias Book Prize 2020. He is currently supervising a doctoral thesis, from an ethnographic point of view, focused on what is considered to be 'correct kendo' among Spanish practitioners. Email:


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How to Cite

Sánchez-García, R. (2025). Initiation to combat sports from the perspective of ecological dynamics: the Constraints-Led Approach. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 20(1), 30–54.


