humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte2021-02-11T12:11:14+00:00Estudios Humanísticosjournals@unileon.esOpen Journal Systems<p align="left"><img style="float: left; margin-right: 25px;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="300" /></p> <p align="justify"><strong>DOI:</strong> 10.18002/ehgha</p> <p align="justify"><strong>ISSN:</strong> 0213-1390</p> <p><strong><em>Estudios Humanísticos. Geografía, Historia y Arte </em></strong></p> <p>Esta revista surgió en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de León en el año 1984. Es la continuación de la revista Estudios Humanísticos, de la que se publicaron 5 números entre los años 1979 y 1983 con estudios sobre Literatura, Arte, Filosofía, Historia, Geografía y Filología. Ambas publicaciones están disponibles en el Portal de revistas científicas de la Universidad de León.</p> <p>El Director de la revista fue D. Arcadio del Castillo Álvarez y el Consejo de Redacción estuvo integrado por: Dña. Mª Isabel Lafuente Guantes, D. Emilio de Diego García, D. Laureano Rubio Pérez, D. Francisco Javier Hernando Carrasco y D. Luis Alfonso González Polledo. El Secretario fue D. Joaquín González Vecín.</p> <p align="justify"><strong><em>Estudios Humanísticos. Geografía, Historia y Arte</em></strong> está presente en <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dialnet</a> y en <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ÍnDICEs</a> (CSIC).</p> culto a Júpiter en el Conventus Bracaraugustanus. Los dedicantes y su condición social2021-02-11T12:11:09+00:00Sonia María García Martínezgermja@unileon.esManuel Abilio Rabanal<p>During the roman period the cult of luppiter, the most important divinity of the roman pantheon, was very significative in the Conventus Bracaraugustanus, in the Northwest of Spain.</p><p>In this article, we are going to analyse the repercusion of its cult by people who lived in this part of Hispania.</p>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Sonia María García Martínez, Manuel Abilio Rabanal Alonsoón a la figura de Julio César y su relación con Hispania2021-02-11T12:11:09+00:00Josefa Martínez<span>In this work we have an approach to the figure of Julius Caesar throught his historiography and also throught his political action in Roman Spain during the Civil War. Caesar has attracted historian attention because of his personality and authority.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Josefa Martínez Mera léxicas sobre la documentación medieval del Reino de León: aperos de labranza (II)2021-02-11T12:11:10+00:00Celia Fernández<span>Se estudian en este artículo términos del léxico latino medieval de los Reinos de Asturias y León (776-1230) relacionados con el mundo agrícola, en concreto con nombres de arreos y enseres utilizados por las caballerías (términos albarda, alfacome, argana, cabestro, calcar, cobertura, corrigia, fazquia, freno, iugum, loramine, luria, sella, sobeio, soca, spola, stratum) y elementos de transporte (términos bracolo, carrus).</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Celia Fernández Corral obra del padre Sobreira, fuente de la epigrafía medieval2021-02-11T12:11:10+00:00Patricio M. Fernández Garcí<span>This paper is a first study of the manuscript of the XVIII century, whose autor is Juan Sobreira, like a indispensable source for the medieval Epigraphy. The raw material for this study has not been sufficiently available until now. This manuscript is very important because the author did a facsimile reproduction of each inscription. Here we do a comparative study to value the importance of this unpublished manuscript.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Patricio M. Fernández García diplomas del cardenal Luna relativos a León. Estudio diplomático2021-02-11T12:11:10+00:00Santiago Domínguez Sá<span>In this paper are analyzed, using the traditional method of the diplomatic science, three documents of Peter Martinez de Luna, cardinal of Saint Mary in Cosmedin, legate in Spain (1378-1390) of the Pope Clement VII of Avignon -and, in the futuro, Pope (1394-1423)-. The refered documents come from the monastic archives of Saint Mary of Carbajal and Saint Isidore of Leon.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Santiago Domínguez Sánchez testigos leoneses de la Passio Sancti Pelagii2021-02-11T12:11:11+00:00Ana Suárez Gonzá<span>The Passio Sancti Pelagii is an important hagiographique spanish piece from the X century. We present the fragmentary text of the Passio transmitted in the XII and XIII centuries by two manuscripts of León city in order that such codexes be able to take into consideration by latter studies and editions of this written work.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Ana Suárez González hospital de San Lázaro de la ciudad de León durante la Edad Media2021-02-11T12:11:11+00:00Montserrat Prada<span>The objetive of this article is to display the development, during the Middle Ages, of one hospital placed in one of the settlements in the pilgrims'road to Santiago de Compostela: Saint Lazard's leper hospital, where people who had a contagious disease took refugee.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Montserrat Prada Villalobos política eclesiástica de Urbano V en la diócesis de León: las súplicas beneficiales2021-02-11T12:11:11+00:00Jorge Díaz Ibáñ<span>In this article, based on unpublished documentation coming from the Vatican Registers, there is an analysis about the requests for ecclesiastical benefices which were presented to pope Urbanus V (1362-1370) referring to the diocese of Leon, in the Kingdom of Castille. The concern for these request lies in the information which they supply about the sociopolitic relations and clientèle networks related to the Leonese clergy, as far as most of the clergymen who obtain benefices are relatives and protégés of important persons, such as king Pedro I, princess Beatriz or cardinals Guillermus and Aegidius de Albornoz. Finally, it must be remarked that most of the requests are benefices in the Leonese cathedral chapter, because they provided a greater income.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Jorge Díaz Ibáñez castillo de Alba no fue un castillo de naipes2021-02-11T12:11:12+00:00María Luz González Fernándezgermja@unileon.esJulio Manuel Vidal<span>Recent archaeological research on the Alba Castle have for the first time uncovered evidente of the topographical and constructive features of this castle, which was briefly described by M. Gómez Moreno at the beginning of the last century. This medieval fortification (IX-XII) was placed on the top of a large crest encircled by an impressive wall and other defensive works. The situation and characteristics of this castle refute those which was recoginized by L. Avelino Gutiérrez as 'Castillo de Alaba' in "El Bufo", an ensemble of ephemeral structures which probably to relate to shepherd huts, sheep enclosures, or defensive occurrences (breastworks) from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 María Luz González Fernández, Julio Manuel Vidal Encinas clero secular de Cuenca (Ecuador): actitudes ante la muerte (1651-1705)2021-02-11T12:11:12+00:00María Isabel Viforcos Marinasgermja@unileon.esJesús Paniagua Pé<span>It is an approximation to the attitudes toward death observed by a group of clergymans from Cuenca (Ecuador) during the second half of the XVII century. The wills of this social elite show us not only a snapshot of the economic situation but also the opportunity of approaching their beliefs, affections and values revealing a moral determined, to a large extent, by the social formalism and conventionality.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 María Isabel Viforcos Marinas, Jesús Paniagua Pérez catedral gótica de León. El inicio de la construcción a la luz de nuevos datos y reflexiones sobre la escultura monumental2021-02-11T12:11:12+00:00María Victoria Herráez<span>The monumental sculpture of León's Cathedral has been traditionally dated in accordance with the cronology attributed to the building. The documents which have been recently dealt with from the Cathedral's archive have elicited a new dating, bringing forward the time of the the sculptors' work. This fact allows us to state the beginning of the Gothic construction in the first half of the 13'h century, probably before the death of bishop Martín Rodríguez (d. 1242).</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 María Victoria Herráez Ortega para un glosario sobre sillerías de oro. Las fuentes documentales leonesas2021-02-11T12:11:13+00:00María Dolores Teijeira<span>This article has been made in order to establish a Castilian terminology about choir stalls, not existing nowadays, using the same words that appear in the original documents.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 María Dolores Teijeira Pablos e infantas en la decoración escultórica del claustro basilical de San Isidoro de León2021-02-11T12:11:13+00:00Emilio Morais<span>The main cloister of San Isidoro of León, reconstructed from 1731, features an scuptural decoration of relieves covering the upper part of the North and East walls. The main motives are portraits of queens and infantas of the medieval monarchy of León and Castilla, accompanied by sibyls, biblical women, allegories, triunphal chariots, etc. A decoration which is used to exalt the values of the monarchy, legitimized by tradition.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Emilio Morais Vallejo palacio medieval a edificio eclecticista. Evolución de la casa palacio de los condes de Peñaflor en la calle Rúa de León2021-02-11T12:11:13+00:00M. L. Pereiras Fernándezgermja@unileon.esMaría Dolores Campos Sá de autor 2001 M. L. Pereiras Fernández, María Dolores Campos Sánchez-Bordona psicología de la imagen en el pensamiento de James Hillman2021-02-11T12:11:14+00:00César García Á<span>The enormous transcendence that the American psychologist James Hillman gives to the image, as the basis of the human psychical life, invites to a theoretical and methodological reflection about its application to the field of the art's theory, and specially to the psychology of the image. Hillman's ideas may be applied to the interpretation of the history of art, and easily harmonised with the foundations of other theoretical frames. However, a critical analysis of the application that Hillman himself makes of his own method to the art and culture of the Italian Renaissance, reveals itself erroneous and contradictory in some aspects, which allow to check that the validity of Hillman's ideas as a method of historical analyse depends on a correct reading of the texts and documents of the times studied, the only ways of access to the knowledge and reconstruction of the contents of the Unconscious of a precise historical period.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 César García Álvarezía de recursos de arte en Internet2021-02-11T12:11:14+00:00Josefa Gallego Lorenzogermja@unileon.esMaría Antonia Morán Suá<span>The main object of this work is to enrich the understanding of art digital recourses. Proposal of a selection about the current state and developments of specialized intenet-based resources in the art in Spain.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Josefa Gallego Lorenzo, María Antonia Morán Suárez cristianización de algunos elementos del paganismo romano2021-02-11T12:11:09+00:00Gonzalo Fernández Herná<span>This paper shows how some pagan elements changed under the influence of Christianity.</span>2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Gonzalo Fernández Hernández el hallazgo de una labra heráldica en Alcedo de Alba2021-02-11T12:11:09+00:00Juan José Sánchez Badiolagermja@unileon.es2001-12-01T00:00:00+00:00Derechos de autor 2001 Juan José Sánchez Badiola