General Qi Jiguang, visionary and defender of a nation


  • William Acevedo Northern Chinese Martial Arts Academy
  • Mei Cheung Northern Chinese Martial Arts Academy



Martial arts, China


In 1550 d.C. China’s splendor during the Ming Dynasty was threatened by hostiles forces in the northern border as well as its eastern coasts. The appearance of Qi Jiguang, one of the most famous Chinese generals would change the way China trained its military leading to the creation of its first professional army. The following article will discuss the contributions of General Qi Jiguang and his legacy, which is carried on by one of the most powerful armies in the world, The People’s Liberation Army.


Métricas alternativas


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Harrison, Cassian y Bradley, Richard (Prod.) (2008). Behind the Great Wall. Documental by Discovery Channel.

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Larsen, Matt (2002). MCAP Modern Army Combatives Program. US Army. DVD 7.01.

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Qi Jiguang 戚继光 (1528-1587) (1985). Jixiao Xinshu 紀效新書 [Libro de la Disciplina Efectiva]. Editado por Ma Mingda 馬明達

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Shahar, Meir (2008). The Shaolin Monastery, History, Religion and The Martial Arts. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

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How to Cite

Acevedo, W., & Cheung, M. (2012). General Qi Jiguang, visionary and defender of a nation. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 3(3), 26–37.


