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Hackney, Charles H., Redeemer University College
Hanon, Michael J., Investigador independiente

, Institute of Sports Science, College of Physical Education, Southwest University
, Department of Biology II and GeoBio-Center. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Alemania)
, Department of Biology II and GeoBio-Center. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich


Heijmans, John, University Hospital Maastricht
Henning, Stanley E., Investigador independiente
Henning, Stanley E., Investigador independiente
Hernández-García, Raquel, Universidad de Murcia
Hernández-García, Raquel, Universidad de Murcia

, Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Herrera-Valenzuela, Tomás, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH

, Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Herrero, Carlos, Universidad Católica de Valencia
Hlinak, Matt, Northwestern University
Hobart, Peter, Commonwealth
Hobart, Peter, Commonwealth
Hobart, Peter, MKA Karate
Hobart, Peter, Commonwealth
Hogrefe, Sofía, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

, Superior School of Education - Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco RECI - Research, Education and Community Intervention


Hopkins, Giles, Investigador independiente

, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology – University of Granada Faculty of Sport Sciences –University of Granada

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