The site of San Esteban (Cacabelos, León) and its relationship with Bergidum Flavium

Summary and results of the archaeological excavation carried out in 2014


  • Mario César Vila Tempos Arqueólogos, S.L.
  • Manuela Pérez Mato GESIT - Grupo de Estudos Integrais do Territorio. Área Arqueoloxía



Roman times, Archaeological materials and structures, Burial graves


We present the results obtained from the archaeological works done during the 2014 in the archaeological site of San Esteban (Cacabelos, León), within the framework of the project to modernize the irrigation system of the Canal del Bierzo. The settlement is also known as Fuente de San Esteban or Ciudad de Valverde, located in the NE of Cacabelos. The interventions documented wall structures and canals, which would be related to some type of habitat or place of economic exploitation, possibly with an artisan or industrial character. Likewise, the presence of burials allowed to know its use as a funeral and cult place. During the intervention were documented remains of ceramic materials, glass, metal, bones and construction material. These evidences must be contextualized with the existence of the old road from Cacabelos to Arganza, possibly of roman origin, that crosses the settlement from N to S.


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How to Cite

César Vila, M., & Pérez Mato, M. (2020). The site of San Esteban (Cacabelos, León) and its relationship with Bergidum Flavium: Summary and results of the archaeological excavation carried out in 2014. Estudios Humanísticos. Historia, (17), 51–66.


