First International Research Conference on Weaponology in Kyiv, Ukraine: A ground-breaking start


  • Denis Toichkin Institute of History of Ukraine
  • Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani Independent researcher



The present report provides a short description of a conference entitled "First International Research Conference on Weaponology in Kyiv, Ukraine". It was the first scientific conference dedicated to the study of historical arms and armor in Ukraine. A number of international experts in the field of historical arms and armor were invited to the conference. Each researcher had been asked to provide a short and a long article on a specific research subject. The short articles were published as a short essay in a peer-review booklet that was handed out before the start of the conference. The long articles will be published together as a large book in future.


Métricas alternativas


Бієнале зброї 2014-2015. Перша міжнародна зброєзнавча конференція: тези конф., 16-19 лют. 2014 р., Київ / Міністерство оборони України, Національна академія наук України, Національний військово-історичний музей України, Інститут історії України. – К., 2014. Текст парал.: укр., рос., англ. [Weapon Biennial 2014-2015. First international research conference. Kyiv, 16-19 February 2014. Abstracts / Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Military Museum of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2014].

Програма першої міжнародної зброєзнавчої конференції: програма конф., 16-19 лют. 2014 р., Київ / Міністерство оборони України, Національна академія наук України, Національний військово-історичний музей України, Інститут історії України. – К., 2014. Текст парал.: укр., рос., англ. [Program of the First international research conference. Kyiv, 16-19 February 2014 / Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Military Museum of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2014].




How to Cite

Toichkin, D., & Khorasani, M. M. (2014). First International Research Conference on Weaponology in Kyiv, Ukraine: A ground-breaking start. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 9(1), 54–60.



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