Relatório sobre a Conference for the 100th Anniversary of Choi Hong Hi: Taekwon-Do and Life; How to View Choi Hong Hi




Taekwondo, Federação Internacional de Taekwondo, ITF, Complexo vermelho, Fundação para a Promoção do Taekwondo, artes marciais, desportos de combate


Keimyung University (grant #20180269)


Apesar da sua enorme influência no taekwondo, o General Choi Hong Hi foi durante muito tempo uma figura controversa na República da Coreia (ROK; Coreia do Sul). A “Conference for the 100th Anniversary of Choi Hong Hi: Taekwon-Do and Life; How to View Choi Hong Hi” celebrou-se no passado dia 28 de novembro de 2018, na Korea National Sport University. O presente relatório analisa esta conferência, que teve como objetivo difundir os trabalhos dos palestrantes a uma audiência mais ampla e estabelecer novas linhas de debate académico sobre o taekwondo da Federação Internacional de Taekwondo (ITF). Esta conferência permitiu também apresentar alguns problemas existentes na literatura sobre o taekwondo;, ou seja, que a literatura da ITF é bastante ofuscada pela pesquisa sobre sua contraparte olímpica. Por outro lado, parece que o único órgão de governo do taekwondo da ROK que está interessado em restabelecer o legado do General Choi Hong Hi é a Fundação para a Promoção do Taekwondo. Este tema era tabu há algumas décadas, mas o “clima” político existente no país tem vindo a mudar e o legado do General está ressurgindo lentamente.


Não há dados estatísticos.

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Biografias Autor

John A. Johnson, Department of Taekwondo, College of Physical Education, Keimyung University

John A. Johnson (PhD) is an assistant professor in the Department of Taekwondo at Keimyung University (Daegu, South Korea). He received his PhD from the Department of Taekwondo at Kyung Hee University (Suwon, South Korea) and was the first ITF Taekwon-Do practitioner to do so. Dr. Johnson’s research focuses on Taekwondo international relations, pedagogy, and philosophy, but he has published in other academic areas as well. He is the executive director of the International Association for Taekwondo Research ( and vice president of the International Academic Conference for Taekwondo ( Email:

Sanko Lewis, Sahmyook University

Sanko Lewis (PhD) is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Humanities at Sahmyook University (Seoul, Korea). He received his PhD from the Department of Taekwondo at Kyung Hee University (Suwon, South Korea), and his dissertation focused on the use of Mohism to resolve the paradoxical ethics of war and self-defense in East Asian martial arts. Dr. Lewis is a multi-disciplined university lecturer, and his academic foci are East Asian Philosophy and Martial Arts Studies, as well as English Literature & Creative Writing. Dr. Lewis is the Constitutional Director, Research Director, and International Liaison Officer for the national governing body for the South Africa (ITF) Taekwon-Do Institute (SATI). Email:


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Como Citar

Johnson, J. A., & Lewis, S. (2018). Relatório sobre a Conference for the 100th Anniversary of Choi Hong Hi: Taekwon-Do and Life; How to View Choi Hong Hi. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 13(2), 177–183.


