A general study of the arts and politics of Nepal during the XX century: Processes of transition and multicultural dialogue


  • Andrea, de la Rubia Gómez-Morán Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Nepal, Democracia, Arte moderno, Hibridación, Revolución, Transformación


Beca FPU. Ministerio de Educacion y Gobierno de Espana


This paper consists of a general study about the development of modern Nepali art around the fifties, when the culture of the country began a process of transformation as a consequence of its reopening to the outside world and relationship with the West. During such transition, both the political changes brought about by the new democratic ideas and the new media communication, contributed to the creation of a new Nepal divided between the modern and the traditional. The aim of this study is to highlight that Nepalese modern art has been developed from its own locality, but also due to the influence of the cultural globalization´s capitalist processes.


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Author Biography

Andrea, de la Rubia Gómez-Morán, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Estudiante del doctorado Historia del Arte. Facultad de Geografia e Historia. Departamento de Historia del Arte III.


Un estudio general de las artes y la política de Nepal durante el siglo XX: Procesos de transición y diálogo multicultural.


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