Life in and out of combat clubs: the experiences of Iranian martial artists




Martial arts, combat sports, kickboxing, muay Thai, character development, health, wellbeing, violence, prevention


The authors received no funding for this work


Considering the mechanized modern living in restricted indoor spaces, aggression and mental disorders among young people and adults and their negative consequences in Iran, in-depth studies of this issue are important. The purpose of this article is to understand the meaning of combat sports for Iranian athletes and to understand how it drives them to action. Following an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach, 17 male kickboxing and muay Thai athletes in the Kurdistan province in western Iran were surveyed through semi-structured interviews. Four main themes and 12 sub-themes were extracted from analyzing the experiences of the research participants: (1) Increasing existential capacity, (2) cultivating a moral personality, (3) enhancing one’s health and (4) improving one’s lifestyle. Our research suggests that, for these participants, kickboxing and muay Thai have a positive effect in many mental, social and moral dimensions of existence. Moreover, because of the potential positive impact on the individual behavior, these sports are also very effective in reducing societal problems such as hooliganism, destructiveness and vandalism, suicide, inappropriate lifestyle, decline of values and violence.


Métricas alternativas

Author Biographies

Hossein Mansouri, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Kurdistan

Hossein Mansouri (Iran) is an independent researcher in Iran. He earned his PhD in the field of Sport Management in 2022 from the University of Kurdistan. He has experience teaching various undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. courses that cover sport management and sport marketing. He also advisor masters and PhD students. His research interests include sports governance, organizational health, qualitative research, consumer behaviour, CSR, sports industry policy, social issues in sport and among others. He has published over eight research articles in JCR/SCOPUS-indexed journals and works as a reviewer in various international conferences and journals. E-mail:

Arman Allahveisi, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Kurdistan

Arman Allahveisi (Iran) is a PhD student in sports management. He is an athlete and martial arts instructor, and his research interests are in the fields of sports management and martial arts. He has presented several papers in national and international conferences. E-mail:

George Jennings, Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University

George Jennings (UK) is Senior Lecturer in Sport Sociology at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, UK, where he teaches qualitative research methods, research skills and social theory. George is Programme Director of the MA Sport, Ethics and Society course while also leading the MRes pathway in Critical Social Science for Sport, Education and Health. He is primarily interested in martial arts cultures, pedagogies and philosophies and the ways in which they have been reconstructed in modern society. George’s first book Reinventing the martial arts in the 21st century (Peter Lang, 2023) follows ethnographic studies of Wing Chun, Taijiquan, Xilam and HEMA along with numerous collaborative projects over the last 20 years. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Mansouri, H., Allahveisi, A., & Jennings, G. . (2025). Life in and out of combat clubs: the experiences of Iranian martial artists. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 20(1), 1–17.


