The Historicization of the Work by Women Artists through Exhibitions: the Case of the Body Tendency of the Nineties in the Basque Context


  • Maite Luengo Aguirre Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU



women artists, exhibitions, historiography, the nineties, Basque Country.


Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU y Agencia Estatal de Investigación


In the 1990s, artistic creations around bodies by female artists proliferated. Considering the historiographic capacity of the exhibitions, we analyse the way in which these authors are being treated in the Basque context. We begin by presenting the novelties of the pioneering case of Feminist Genealogies in Spanish Art: 1960-2010 of the MUSAC in León (2012-2013), in which the trend in question was mentioned. Next, we examine the treatment received in the catalogues of four exhibitions held at the CAV. On the one hand, we study the main exhibition of women artists of the 1990s, El puñalito y un puñao (1996); on the other hand, three samples of the recently begun decade of the twenties: Bigarren bidea. Zeru bat hamaika bide (2021-), Womanology. José Ramón Prieto Collection (2021) and Baginen Bagara. Women artists: Logics of (in)visibility (2021-2022).


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Métricas alternativas


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