Un ejemplo de la heráldica leonesa del siglo XIII. El sello de Inés Fernández
https://doi.org/10.18002/ehgha.v0i17.6689Mots-clés :
Heráldica medieval, sigilografía, Inés Fernández, Ponce de CabreraRésumé
This study tries to be a first approach to medieval heraldry in the Kingdom of León. It's based on a sealing mould, dated in XIII century, which was found in Villamayor de Campos. The owner of this seal was a member of Count Ponce de Cabrera's family: Inés Fernández. The identification of this woman was possible through a combination of two factors: the coat of arms and the inscription. This is a good example to know how heraldry turns to be one of the most representative elements of noble mentality.Téléchargements
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Comment citer
Torre Sevilla-Quiñones de León, M. (1995). Un ejemplo de la heráldica leonesa del siglo XIII. El sello de Inés Fernández. Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte, (17), 179–192. https://doi.org/10.18002/ehgha.v0i17.6689
(c) Tous droits réservés Margarita Torre Sevilla-Quiñones de León 1995

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