Revision of Alfonina Storni's poetic exitus

New perspectives of the themes and symbology in Mascarilla y trébol




postmodern poetry, existencialism, social criticism


This article explores Mascarilla y trébol, the latest work by Alfonsina Storni. The objective of this study is to review preconceived ideas about her poetry while shedding light on the reflexive and existential dimension of her final stage, which has been only superficially examined by critics. The absence of rhyme and the social critique, encompassing both the material and the philosophical-ideological aspects of Buenos Aires society, are key features that characterize her poems.


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Métricas alternativas


Alberti, R. (1987): “Marinero en tierra”, en R. Marrast (ed.) (1987) Marinero en tierra. La amante. El alba de alhelí, Madrid, Clásicos Castalia.

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Morales y Marín, J. L. (1984): Diccionario de iconología y simbología, Madrid, Taurus.

Nalé Roxlo, C. (1964): Genio y figura de Alfonsina Storni, Buenos Aires, Editorial Universitaria.

Orgambide, P. (1967): “El racismo en Argentina”, en Revista Extra.

Ortega y Gasset, J. (2017): La deshumanización del arte, Barcelona, Austral.

Pérez Blanco, L. (1975): La poesía de Alfonsina Storni, Madrid, Villena Artes Gráficas.

Phillips, R. (1975): From poetess to poet, Londres, Tamesis books limited.

Pleitez Vela, T. (2003): Alfonsina Storni: mi casa es el mar, Madrid, Espasa Calpe.

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How to Cite

Castaño Meissel, M. (2024). Revision of Alfonina Storni’s poetic exitus: New perspectives of the themes and symbology in Mascarilla y trébol. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (46), 209–230.