Retracing the Gothic Romance: Instances of Transtextuality in Gaston Leroux’s Le fantôme de l’opéra and Alejandro Amenábar’s Abre los ojos


  • Marta Miquel Baldellou Universidad de Lleida


Mots-clés :

Gothic tradition, Byronic hero, mask, the double, metaliterature


This article aims to offer a comparative analysis between Gaston Leroux’s novel Le fantôme de l’opéra (1910) and Alejandro Amenábar’s film Abre los ojos (1997) in which Amenábar’s film will be interpreted as a postmodern adaptation of Leroux’s original novel. This analysis will also identify those traits pertaining to the Gothic tradition and the nineteenth-century Gothic romance as reflected in Leroux’s modernist approach and reinterpreted in Amenábar’s postmodern film on the basis of the notion of transtextuality.


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Comment citer

Miquel Baldellou, M. (2023). Retracing the Gothic Romance: Instances of Transtextuality in Gaston Leroux’s Le fantôme de l’opéra and Alejandro Amenábar’s Abre los ojos. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (45).



Monográfico 2023: La Literatura Gótica desde la Literatura Comparada