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, Universidade Anhanguera - Campo Limpo (Brazil)


Da Silva Santos, Jonatas Ferreira, Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys
Dalia, Albert, Boston University
De Crée, Carl, Ghent University
De Crée, Carl, Ghent University
De Fortuna, Valentina, Free Lance Translator
De Fortuna, Valentina, Freelance Translator
de la Fuente, Eduardo Gonzalez, Universitat Autononoma de Barcelona
De la Fuente García, Ana, CDE Sánchez Élez - Sanabria Taekwondo Club
de Souza Junior, Tácito Pessoa, Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Paraná

, Escola Superior de Educação Física, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil.


Del Vecchio, Fabrício Boscolo, Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade de São Paulo. Universidade Federal de Pelotas.
Del Vecchio, Fabrício Boscolo, Universidade de São Paulo
Del Vecchio, Fabrício Boscolo
Del Vecchio, Fabricio Boscolo, School of Physical Education, Federal University of Pelotas
Delamont, Sara, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
Delgado, Nuno, Portuguese Judo Federation
Delleli, Slaheddine, Research Unit, Physical Activity, Sport and Health, UR18JS01, National Observatory of Sport; High Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Sfax, University of Sfax
DeMarco, Michael A.
DeMarco, Michael A., Journal of Asian Martial Arts
Demirci, Ömer Faruk, Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sport, Konya

, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Centro de Desportos
, Centro de Investigação, Formação, Inovação, e Intervenção em Desporto (CIFI2D), Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (FADEUP) (Portugal)


Dodd, Simon, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dodd, Simon Alexander, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dohrenwend, Robert E.
Dohrenwend, Robert E., Independent researcher
Donohue, John
Donohue, John J., Independent researcher
Dopico-Calvo, Xurxo, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña
Dortants, Marianne, Utrecht University

, Universidade Anhanguera - Campo Limpo
, Universidade Anhanguera


Duarte, João, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education – University of Coimbra

, Centro Universitário São Camilo, São Paulo


Dwyer, Bede, Independent researcher
Dwyer, Bede, Independent researcher
Dwyer, Bede, Razmafzar Organization
Dwyer, Bede, Razmafzar: Historical Persian Martial Arts Organization

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