"The narrow path between the abyss and the rocks": Indigenismo, Gothic and The Revenge of the Condor by Ventura García Calderón


  • Mariangela Ugarelli Risi The Johns Hopkins University




gothic, Peru, indigenism, fantastic, literary genre, 20th Century, Ventura García Calderón


This work seeks to demonstrate the importance of taking the Gothic into account when reading Ventura García Calderón’s La venganza del cóndor, particularly the homonymous story of the collection. This proposed reading, inspired by Alberto Portugal’s ideas on Peruvian Gothic, is controversial within Peruvian literature since indigenismo is firmly tied to realism. The text contextualizes García Calderón’s work, associates it with contemporary readings on the Gothic and, finally, proposes a section of close reading where these ideas come together.


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How to Cite

Ugarelli Risi, M. (2023). "The narrow path between the abyss and the rocks": Indigenismo, Gothic and The Revenge of the Condor by Ventura García Calderón. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (45). https://doi.org/10.18002/ehf.i45.7683



Monográfico 2023: La Literatura Gótica desde la Literatura Comparada