Eventos e tipos de eventos (pontuações e penalizações) nas unidades temporais das competições de judô de elite: implicações para a preparação tática





esportes de combate, artes marciais, judô, penalização, pontuação, análise de desempenho, tática


Introdução: Este estudo examina a distribuição de eventos e tipos de eventos (EVRs) em competições de judô de elite, tanto na categoria masculina quanto feminina. Amostra: Foram analisados os Campeonatos Mundiais de 2018, 2019 e 2021, incorporando 6487 eventos (EVs) e 2340 combates classificados pelo seu último evento (cEV). Resultados: A predominância de EV2 e EV3 em combates masculinos (23,2% e 36,6%) e femininos (26,8% e 31,7%) sugere padrões consistentes. As análises estatísticas revelam distribuições não uniformes de eventos dentro de unidades temporais (TUs). Foram encontradas associações pequenas, mas significativas, entre os EVRs e as UTs para EV1, EV2 e EV3 (Cramer’s V = 0.103 a 0.171; p<0.001), enquanto associações moderadas foram observadas para EV4 (Cramer’s V = 0.260 a 0.271; p<0.001) em ambos os sexos. Não foram detectadas associações para EV5 e EV6 tanto em mulheres quanto em homens. Os combates das categorias femininas geralmente apresentam menos eventos, concentrados na mesma TU, indicando durações mais curtas em comparação com os masculinos. Observou-se uma associação entre a ocorrência de EVRs e o momento em que ocorrem, demonstrando padrões semelhantes entre os sexos. O Waza-ari esteve significativamente sobrerrepresentado na UT1 tanto para homens quanto para mulheres (SR = 2.1 e 2.2, respectivamente). Em contraste, o Ippon esteve sobrerrepresentado no período de Golden Score (UT-GS) (SR = 3.3) para homens. Especificamente, cEV1, cEV2 e cEV3 mostram variações de tempo entre as categorias masculina e feminina, enquanto cEV4 ocorrem em tempos semelhantes. Conclusão: Esta pesquisa fornece uma visão abrangente da dinâmica das competições de judô de elite, sendo esta informação útil para entender as estratégias usadas pelos judocas masculinos e femininos. A tendência observada dos judocas para adotarem uma abordagem ofensiva no início dos combates, focando em projeções ou controles corporais no chão em comparação com as penalizações, é uma contribuição valiosa para a compreensão da dinâmica competitiva no judô.


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Biografias Autor

Xurxo Dopico-Calvo, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña

Xurxo Dopico-Calvo (Spain) works as Associate Professor for more than 30 years at the University of A Coruna, and he is Senior researcher of the research group “Performance and Health Group”. He has a forty-year experience in judo as practitioner, trainer and university professor and has published several studies about this sport, some of them about performance analysis, laterality, etc. E-mail: xurxo.dopico@udc.es

Luis Santos, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidad de León

Luis Santos (Spain) is a Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Universidad de León (León, Spain). Currently serving as the Vice-Dean of the Faculty. In addition to his academic role, Luis Santos instructs Judo within the Bachelor's program for Sport and Exercise Science at the Faculty and he holds a 5th DAN Judo belt. Furthermore, he works for the Federación de Judo y Deportes Asociados del Principado de Asturias (a Judo sports federation of a Spanish region), in the area of coaches training, and has published several studies about judo. E-mail: lsanr@unileon.es

Eduardo Carballeira, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña

Eduardo Carballeira (Spain) is a Researcher and Assistant Lecturer in Physical Education and Sport at the University of A Coruna. He has earned a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in high performance in sport. Additionally, he serves as the sports director and head coach of Judo Hércules (A Coruna), as well as high-performance technician of the Galician Judo Federation. He also works as a physiologist and strength and conditioning coach for elite combat athletes. He holds a 6th DAN Judo belt and is a former elite judo athlete. His main research areas include neuromuscular and cardiovascular responses and adaptations to resistance exercise, power and functionality in older adults, the application of blood flow restriction training to injury rehabilitation, as well as enhancing health and performance. Additionally, he specializes in strength and conditioning evaluation, monitoring, and prescription for combat sports athletes. E-mail: eduardo.carballeira@udc.es

Xian Mayo, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña

Xián Mayo (Spain) owns a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of A Coruna. He is a Lecturer of Combat Sports at URJC (Madrid, Spain) and Academic Secretary at the Research Centre in Sports Science. He is also Research Coordinator at Spain Active Foundation. His scientific topics of interest in combat sports are related to the determinants of scoring actions and the learning process. Professionally, he was a judo coach for more than ten years. Other research topics of interest are clinical exercise, responses and adaptations to resistance training, and physical activity intervention analysis. E-mail: xian.mayo@urjc.es

Bayram Ceylan, Department of Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Kastamonu University

Bayram Ceylan (Türkiye) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Kastamonu University. He is serving as a member of the Educational Committee of the Turkish Judo Federation and the Scientific Committee of the European Judo Union.  He has twenty years of experience in judo and represented his country at the international level and has prestigious publications on judo-specific tests, dehydration in judo, and judo match analysis. E-mail: bceylan@kastamonu.edu.tr

Jožef Simenko , Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana

Jožef Simenko (Slovenia) is a researcher and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. He holds a PhD in Kinesiology. He holds a 2nd DAN belt degree in Judo and is a Certified Judo Coach in Slovenia and the United Kingdom and a member of the International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS).  He also works in strength & conditioning and rehabilitation with elite judo athletes. He was the president of the Slovenian Judo Association Coaching Committee and a member of the Slovenian National team as an athlete. Email: jozef.simenko@fsp.uni-lj.si

Marta Sevilla-Sanchez, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña

Marta Sevilla-Sanchez (Spain) serves as an assistant lecturer at the University of A Coruña, where she obtained her Ph.D. and currently teaches the subject of Combat Sports. Additionally, for the past eight years, she has been instructing judo at Judo Hercules club. With a third-degree black belt, she is a former elite judoka. Her primary research areas encompass motor control and learning, cognitive effects of exercise and sports, health-related fitness across different life stages, and performance analysis in judo. Email: marta.sevilla@udc.es.

Eliseo Iglesias-Soler, Performance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade da Coruña

Eliseo Iglesias-Soler (Spain) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the University of A Coruna (Spain). Senior researcher of the research group “Performance and Health Group” at University of A Coruna. His main research areas include: neuromuscular and cardiovascular responses and adaptations to resistance exercise; health related fitness across different life stages; laterality and performance analysis in judo. E-mail: eliseo.iglesias.soler@udc.es


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Como Citar

Dopico-Calvo, X., Santos, L., Carballeira, E., Mayo, X., Ceylan, B., Simenko , J. ., Sevilla-Sanchez, M., & Iglesias-Soler, E. (2024). Eventos e tipos de eventos (pontuações e penalizações) nas unidades temporais das competições de judô de elite: implicações para a preparação tática. Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 19(2), 151–170. https://doi.org/10.18002/rama.v19i1.2413




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