Telegram as a mediating environment in the process of learning and teaching a foreign language


  • Aurora Centellas Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA)



Shared learning, ubiquitous learning, meaningful learning



There is an openness to lifelong and ubiquitous learning that reverts to the autonomous and informal learning of students who share content, collaborate, communicate and learn, leading teachers to design and organize meaningful learning scenarios in multiple and socialized contexts, beyond the classroom, with the aim of involving the student. Shared learning in networks is translated and resolved through the interactions of its users, enabling technology to empower, humanize and foster human relationships. It presents a learning proposal for the foreign language classroom, in a messaging channel such as Telegram, and proposes the creation of a Spanish course, level A1.1, to investigate new ways of acting to transfer informal learning into formal learning, understanding that the chosen environment can mediate the learning and teaching process. The new scenario is identified as the context where the process takes place and acquires a new role, bringing learning closer to the everyday. The research aims to explore the educational possibilities offered by new learning environments for language training and knowledge. It was based on connectivism to explain how people who have incorporated distributed messaging into their daily lives learn and followed a spiral methodology, so that the results of one phase were necessary to start the next phase. The project was carried out with students of different nationalities and, in the different courses proposed, a quantitative method of descriptive and qualitative interpretive research was used. The interpretations made from the method aim to discover the attitudes and aptitudes of students in the environment by systematizing their experiences. The results show that there is an emerging change that has to do with learning according to the needs of the student and that involves changes in the learning and teaching processes, but above all it responds to scenarios where problems are solved from interactions and personal environments are created that favor self-learning.


Keywords. Shared learning, ubiquitous learning, meaningful learning, experiential learning.



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How to Cite

Centellas, A. (2024). Telegram as a mediating environment in the process of learning and teaching a foreign language. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (46), 145–158.



Monográfico número 46 (2024) "El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de lenguas extranjer