Images of Feminine Teratology in Two Tales by E. A. Poe.

“Ligeia” and “Morella” According to B. Lacombe


  • Gema Martínez Ruiz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



E. A. Poe, Benjamin Lacombe, Tale, Monstruosity, Illustration


Contemporary artist Benjamin Lacombe illustrated in the last decade a collection of stories by E. A. Poe (1809–1849). Among all the illustrations he elaborated, this paper focuses on the ones of “Ligeia” and “Morella”. Being two of the North American’s most acclaimed tales, the female characters are seen by Lacombe as monstruous and vile since the artist decides to suggest that the perversity and the macabre come from female individuals. Women in these stories are depicted as perverse and chimerical creatures, result of both Lacombe’s surrealist artistic heritage and E. A. Poe gothic imaginary, which offer the possibility of understanding the female figure as threatening and teratological.

Key Words: E. A. Poe, Benjamin Lacombe, tale, monstruosity, illustration



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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite

Martínez Ruiz, G. (2023). Images of Feminine Teratology in Two Tales by E. A. Poe.: “Ligeia” and “Morella” According to B. Lacombe. Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, (45).



Monográfico 2023: La Literatura Gótica desde la Literatura Comparada