Landforms, modeling evolution and therman regime in Penubina Massif (Cantabrian Mountains)
Penubina Massif, glacialism, perglacialism, nivation, thermal regimeAbstract
Penubina Massif is one of the highest massifs in the Cantabrian Mountains (South Fontán, 2,417 meters a.s.l.). It is an orographic barrier that retains the cloudy masses on the Asturian slope, thus resulting in a more stable and sunnier climate on the Leonese slope, with rainfall in the higher-altitude sectors that exceeds 2,000 mm, much of which occurs in the form of snow. Karstic, fluviotorrential, glacial and periglacial processes have been identified, both relict and functional. Karstic modeling led to the appearance of forms of erosion such as glaciokarstic basins, sinkholes, coating sinkholes, wells and karren. Glacial modeling is responsible for erosive forms such as glacial troughs and sheepskin rocks, as well as accumulation, mainly in the form of glacial moraines, which allowed the identification of three glacial phases (phase of maximum ice expansion, internal phase I and II, and phase of altitude I and II), as well as twenty different glaciers, which occupied 5,004 hectares in the maximum ice expansion phase. The current thermal regime is characterized by the abundance of frosts, but by a reduced number of freeze-thaw days. These cold conditions favor the development of cryoturbation, cryoclasty, solifluction, rapid mass movements and an abundance of snow, which usually remains stable for 6-8 months above 1,800 meters a.s.l.
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