Almodovarian mother figures: early films
DOI: clave:
Pedro Almodóvar, Spanish cinema, gender, mothers, motherhoodResumen
In Pedro Almodóvar´s early films, the portrayal of unconventional maternal figures come in varying forms - more than often she (or he) is an unrelated outsider who eventually comes to replace a child’s absent or indifferent biological mother. This study aims to show how Almodóvar's families are formed by accident or necessity regardless of gender, sexuality, fertility, age or class, with the “Mother” figure as the uniting force. We will argue that in Almodóvar’s films the trauma of hostile urban life is often the catalyst for the breakdown of the family bonds, resulting in the search for an alternative mother substitute, while subsequently a return to one’s rural origins is often the key to repairing a damaged relationship between mother and child.
Métricas alternativas
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