Zanan magazine, by Iranian Shahla Sherkat, and its contribution to Islamic feminism


  • Rocío Velasco de Castro Universidad de Extremadura - España



historia de las mujeres, feminismo islámico, Irán, prensa feminista, Zanan, Shahla Sherkat


In any society, feminism is an important part  of  the  struggle  for  human  rights. Furthermore, in Islamic societies, many of feminist activists lead the citizen movements as well as their requirements of freedom. In  this process,  the word  as  means  of  expression and denunciation becomes an effective but dangerous instrument to inform and make the people aware. As  other  journalists and  writers who have  been  persecuted,  tehn  testimony of Sherkat and her magazine Zanan are considered not just as one of the main voices of Islamic feminism in the country, but also as a symbol of freedom of speech cut off by a dictatorial political regime.


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How to Cite

Velasco de Castro, R. (2012) “Zanan magazine, by Iranian Shahla Sherkat, and its contribution to Islamic feminism”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (7), pp. 137–156. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i7.907.