Ethical code of conduct

Cuestiones de Género Journal is committed to ethics and quality in publication. We support the standards of ethical behavior expected of all parties involved in the publication of our journal: the authors, the management and editing of the journal, the reviewers and the coordination.

We adhere to the codes of ethics, good practices and transparency of the Committee on Publication Ethics in order to maintain the originality and quality of the works published here. Below is a summary of best practice guidelines that aim to meet these requirements.

General duties and responsibilities for direction and coordination of the journal

The direction and coordination of the journal will ultimately be responsible for the articles published in Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia.

In its editorial activity its fundamental duties are:

  • Satisfy the needs of the readers to whom the journal is intended and of the authors who publish in it;
  • Contribute to constantly improve the quality of the journal;
  • Guarantee the scientific quality of the articles that are published;
  • Permanently guarantee freedom of expression, regardless of beliefs, political, ideological and academic positions;
  • Taking into account that Cuestiones de Género is a multidisciplinary scientific journal, it is the duty of the direction and coordination of the journal to contribute to the maintenance of the academic lines to which the journal is dedicated;
  • Prevent deviations from intellectual standards;
  • When necessary, the management and coordination of the journal will be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and, when necessary, apologize to the authors and/or readers.
    Relations with readers

Relations with readers

Cuestiones de Género will make public to its readers the origin of the funding whenever any published research has been funded by any funding institution or agency and the role of the respective agencies and/or institutions in said research.

Relations with authors

The management and coordination of the journal will take all reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the articles or other material they publish, taking into account the objectives and standards of the sections that make up the journal.

The decisions of the management and coordination of the journal regarding the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication will be based on the originality, purpose, relevance of the study and compatibility with the academic objectives of each issue of the journal.

The double-blind peer review process is included in the article publication standards and the journal's management and coordination will always be willing to justify any deviation that may arise in relation to the review processes described in the standards.

The authors of articles submitted on Cuestiones de Género may, when they consider it appropriate, express themselves against the editorial decisions in a letter addressed to the management and coordination of the journal. These will attend, obligatorily and justifiably, the requests of the authors.

The management and coordination of the journal will publish guidelines for authors on the originality and scientificity of the material to be published, as well as the rules they must follow when submitting their articles.

The guidelines for authors will be updated periodically and will necessarily be linked to this ethical code of conduct.

The management and coordination of the journal will not make the decision to publish articles whose double-blind peer review has been unanimously negative; In the case of a change in the direction of Cuestiones de Género, or in the coordination of the issue, the editorial policy will not change, unless errors committed by the direction and coordination of the previous journals are identified.

Relations with reviewers

The management and coordination of the journal will publish guidelines to reviewers on the standards followed by the journal, double-blind peer review and its scientific responsibility with a view to maintaining the academic quality of the articles to be published. These guidelines will be updated periodically and will necessarily be linked to this code.

The management and coordination of the journal guarantee confidentiality regarding the identity of the reviewers and authors of the articles, except that the review system may, in certain cases, be open, which will be communicated to the reviewers. authors and reviewers.

The double-blind peer review process

The management and coordination of the journal guarantee the confidentiality of the material sent for publication in Cuestiones de Género, during the review process.

Complaints and Appeals

The management and coordination of the journal guarantee that all authors have the right to present their complaints, whenever they consider it necessary and appropriate.

The management and coordination of the journal will respond promptly to complaints and will guarantee the authors the right of reply. The complaints process will be carried out by letter addressed to the Cuestiones de Género department and authors may demand the re-evaluation of their articles if they disagree with the result of the first evaluation.

Encourage debate

Cuestiones de Género privileges democratic debate and, therefore, guarantees the possibility of criticism in relation to published works. It is up to the journal's management to decide whether the criticisms presented are accurate, substantiated and convincing. The authors will have the opportunity to respond to criticism of their articles.

Promote academic integrity

The management and coordination of the journal ensure that the research material published complies with internationally accepted ethical guidelines. They also guarantee that research that involves aspects related to human rights will only be published after a favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee of the University of León (UNILEON).

Protection of individual data

The direction and coordination of the journal guarantee the protection of the confidentiality of individual information. They will not reveal, for example, the identity of the research subjects or personal data in the case of empirical research. They will require the authors of empirical research articles to guarantee that the research subjects have expressed their written consent to participate in the research.

Taking into account that Cuestiones de Género is a publication in a multidisciplinary field, the management and coordination of the journal will accept all empirical research articles without the consent of the research subjects, as long as the publication of said articles does not harm the dignity of the subjects involved.

Procedures related to unethical behavior

The direction and coordination of the journal follow international standards regarding plagiarized work. They absolutely reject all forms of plagiarism and will only publish articles with the guarantee, on the part of the authors, of the originality of their work.

The management and coordination of the journal will be attentive to self-plagiarism processes and will make recommendations to the authors when they deem it appropriate.

If any author sends a work that is totally or partially plagiarized to Cuestiones de Género, access to the possibility of publication will be definitively denied. This directive will be obligatorily transmitted to the authors and they will be guaranteed the right to reply.

The management and coordination of the journal will do everything possible to guarantee that the published research has been carried out in accordance with the ethical standards for scientific research defined by international organizations.

Guarantee of integrity of academic records

The management and coordination of the journal undertakes that, if any member of the academic community detects significant inaccuracies or distorted or misleading statements, the articles will be sent for new external review in order to correct them.

The management and coordination of the journal undertakes to transmit to the networks in which they are indexed all information related to works that have been published with inaccuracies or distorted or misleading statements.

Cuestiones de Género will follow its standards and editorial policy without deviating from its priority objectives: promoting research and contributing to democratic debate at the national and international level on all topics related to gender issues, contributing to the improvement of practices in this area. , through the research it disseminates.

Editorial independence

The direction and coordination of Cuestiones de Género are governed by the principles of democracy, guaranteeing the dissemination of scientific works based on rigor, scientific quality and originality, regardless of the political and ideological options of their authors. The direction and coordination of the journal will follow and comply with the principle of editorial independence.

Relations of the edition and coordination of the journal with the editorial board

The Journal Editorial Team is made up of members of recognized academic merit, belonging to national and international higher education institutions. In this sense, the management and coordination of the journal guarantee that they will consult the editorial team and take into consideration their criticism, comments and proposals, with a view to improving the scientific quality of the journal. This consultation will be carried out annually.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts that may eventually arise between directors, editors, coordination, authors, reviewers and readers and that cannot be resolved solely with the intervention of the management and coordination of the journal will be resolved by a committee. This committee, after the evaluation and decision, will prepare a response that will be transmitted to interested parties.

Compliance with the Code of Ethics of Conduct

The management and coordination of the journal will do everything possible to comply with this ethical code of conduct which, after its publication, will come into force immediately.

P.S.: This Code of Ethics of Conduct is based on the recommendations of the COPE Best Practice Guides for Journal Editors.