From parricide to sexist violence: notes for a reflection on the representation of ill-treatment in eleven years of journalistic information


  • Diana Fernández Romero Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - España



violencia contra las mujeres, medios de comunicación, violence against women, mass media


It is eleven years since the most outstanding mass media in Spain burst forth with news which, as they could observe, put an end to the indifference and generated public alarm in relation with violence against women. A man burnt his wife thirteen days after she appeared in a television programme speaking about suffering her ex-husband´s violence for forty years. The news was on the front pages, and in the street rejections and requests for a change lurked. The article wants to contribute to the reflection about what has happened in the media since the first articles about the parricide in Granada were published until now, when the media keep on trying to improve the praxis of what nowadays is a highly topical subject: chauvinist violence.


Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite

Fernández Romero, D. (2008) “From parricide to sexist violence: notes for a reflection on the representation of ill-treatment in eleven years of journalistic information”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (3), pp. 291–316. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i3.3835.