Social awareness of gender violence


  • Pioquinto Ricardo Ojeda Monroy Universidad de León - España



violencia de genero, proceso de socialización


To address the issue of gender violence, it is necessary in the first instance to start from a definition: "Any act or threat that has as a consequence or possibilities of having as a consequence damage and/or suffering in the physical, sexual or psychological health of the woman ” (UN Economic and Social Council in 1992). It is essential to approach the causes that originate it and the logic to deal with it. Gender-based violence that presents men as aggressor agents is based on the socialization process that prepares men from their childhood to exercise a model of domination (as the presumed sole expression of their masculinity) against women. Precisely when this control scheme is transgressed, the violent man unleashes the aggression, as a desperate attempt to reaffirm and recover that control that is escaping from his hands. The consideration of misogyny as a contributory element in this regard still subsists as a hypothesis, but for sexist education (as a basis for gender violence) the certainties are unquestionable.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Monroy, P. R. (2006) “Social awareness of gender violence”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (1), pp. 209–214. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i1.3862.