No. 7 (2012): Mass Media, Advertising and Gender

Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia. Nº 7 (2012): Medios de Comunicación, Publicidad y Género

The relevance of the mass media and advertising in issuing cultural codes present in the social fabric is evidenced in the actions that are being carried out to achieve effective equality between men and women.

Faced with a far from optimistic diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the achievements and progress made in the last decade and bear in mind the importance of continuing to investigate the imaginary about women disseminated by the mass media and advertising.

Bearing this panorama in mind, this issue of the journal intends to contribute its grain of sand by opening its pages to studies carried out around the theme "Media, Advertising and Gender".

Coordinator: Daniele Leoz

Number of articles received: 67.

Number of accepted articles: 18.

Published: 2012-06-11
