Equal opportunities in the Armed Forces. The role of gender integration policies


  • Helena Carreiras Instituto da Defensa Nacional - Portugal




género, Forças Armadas, igualdade, políticas de integração


In this article, the impact of the organizational policies on the construction of the equality of opportunity and integration of the gender in the Armed Forces is discussed. After a presentation of the empirical data that allow the global characterization of the determining factors and the situation of the military women in Western democracies, the paper of the organizational policies in the promotion of the equality of opportunity and gender integration in the Armed Forces is analyzed. The conclusion is that not always the policies destined to promote the formal equality will have identical effects in terms of social integration, and that the policies seem to be a necessary condition, but not enough to assure greater levels of equality between sexes in the military universe.


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Métricas alternativas


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How to Cite

Carreiras, H. (2011) “Equal opportunities in the Armed Forces. The role of gender integration policies”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (6), pp. 97–116. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i6.3765.


