Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
In all historical societies, war is not a strictly military event, nor exclusively developed on the front line of battle. Along with the military actions waged at the front, there is always a much wider space, the rear, in which life is transformed. The entire civilian population suffers the disasters of war, adapts to its requirements and, in doing so, pre-existing cultural categories are blurred.
The first cultural border that is diluted in every war conflagration is the one that separates the public from the private; consequently, the traditional patriarchal allocation of spaces based on gender is overwhelmed and rendered completely useless even for the military and political powers that have tried to maintain it.
Our purpose in this monograph on Gender Issues intends to go through the rearguard and the vanguard of armed conflicts in recent centuries, returning to the female experience in wars and their contribution to the demands for peace.
Coordinator: Elena Aguado Cabezas
Number of articles received: 24.
Number of accepted articles: 14.
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies at the University of León
Digital ISSN: 2444-0221
DOI: 10.18002/cg
Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. Education Faculty. 24071 - León - Spain. Telephone: 987291860. E-mail:
Journal Director:
Ana Isabel Blanco García
Mobile: 625570546. Email:
e-I.S.S.N. 2444-0221 - Legal Deposit: LE-1039-2005.
Cover design: INDOS (Images copyright ©INDOS, S. L. and its licensors. All rights reserved).
Design of the logo of the ULE Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies: Teresa Serrano León.
Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de León.
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