Neither "beautiful souls" nor "just warriors": women implicated in political violence


  • Concepción Fernández Villanueva Universidad Complutense de Madrid - España



mujeres, violencia política, democratización, estereotipos, sexismo, feminismo


The involvement of women in political violence has been hidden, marginalized and devalued. Recent studies about involvement of women in armed conflicts, resistance movements, revolutionary movements and terrorist groups throughout the twentieth and twentieth-first centuries can rescue the visibility of this phenomenon and interpret it in the light of the psychosocial processes of the context, similar to those that explain the involvement of men: particularly, group and community psychosocial processes, political ideology, and gender identity transformation towards women equality. Sexist stereotypes and even some interpretations of the psychology of gender differences help to distort the explanation of the involvement of women in this and other forms of violence.


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How to Cite

Fernández Villanueva, C. (2011) “Neither "beautiful souls" nor "just warriors": women implicated in political violence”, Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, (6), pp. 75–96. doi: 10.18002/cg.v0i6.3764.


