No. 11 (2016): Leadership, politics and gender

Revista Cuestiones de Género. Convocatoria abierta hasta el 29 de febrero de 2016.

What is politics and how do gender issues influence its existence? We find here a question that is part of the anxieties of several of the researchers who participate in this dossier. If we take politics as a way of organizing society, we know that it is beyond the actions of parties and elections alone. It is in schools, in the media, in the economy, in work activities, in the legal system, in religion and where, more especially, society is organized and the rules of living are dictated.

The dossier "Leadership, politics and gender" brings experiences from six countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain and Mexico that discuss reflections from various fields with the common challenge of bringing research as the instrument of union between us and us. The authors and authors share their investigations that are, here, divided into the axes:

1) female leadership in politics, 2) masculinities, and 3) education, representation and economics. The three thematic parts present in common aspects inherent and necessary to leadership: identity, participation, representation and public discourses.

Coordinator: Luciana Panke

Number of articles received: 43.

Number of accepted articles: 31.

Published: 2016-06-29


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