
  • Feminism, coeducation and socialization in postmodernity
    No. 19 (2024)

    The experience of childhood, adolescence and youth have changed a lot in a short time. The education and socialization that girls, boys and young people receive have undergone important transformations that have to do with all aspects of people's lives and the relationships between them. In less than two centuries we have gone from widespread illiteracy, and the exclusion of girls from education, to education segregated by sex, and then to mixed education. In recent decades, feminism has gone further and has focused on the need for non-sexist education capable of transmitting content free of androcentrism and eradicating sexist behavior within educational institutions. Coeducation is the tool created for this purpose. And while we were advancing in the education of girls and boys with increasing equality, the world was also changing enormously in terms of technology and communication, ushering in a new digital era that has modified not only education and academia, but also all processes. communicative, production, distribution, consumption, work and leisure. Girls, boys and young people socialize in a world crossed by digital and audiovisual content from large industries, the Internet, virtual social networks that allow us to create and disseminate our own content, video games, consoles, mobile phones or computers. Thus, just as all of this goes through our world, it also goes through their youthful experiences and their growth processes to become women or men, being a constituent part of their biographies.

    In one part of the world, the postmodern context that has marked the turn of the century and millennium has been characterized by a process of dissolution of social and community ties, of collective identities and of the political subjects of social movements. All of this for the benefit of an individualism that fits perfectly with participation on the Internet through personal and non-transferable electronic devices such as the mobile phone, or digital platforms created to build and display a certain image of our individuality. In this new communicative context, new problems have emerged around gender stereotypes associated with each of the sexes, modifying and expanding in the context of the digital and image market. This has affected the socialization of girls, boys and young people, and also their relationships outside and inside the classroom, education and co-education.

    This issue of the Cuestiones de Género journal starts with a Guest Article from the Feminist Teachers for Coeducation association (DoFemCo), a privileged contribution made both from current teaching practice and from its research. The Monograph of this nineteenth issue of the journal addresses, through its twelve articles, various aspects of coeducation and socialization between current childhood and youth in relation to equality and inequality between the sexes, both within the classrooms. as in their participation in the digital sphere and their consumption of audiovisual products. The About section, a novelty presented by the journal this year, focuses on the impact that the very concept of “sex” has come to be conceived no longer as an immutable fact given by nature, but as an identity that is can choose and "perform", as well as on other issues related to the new forms of sexual inequality that we face as a society.

    The Open Tribune, section brings together eighteen works that address various issues of great relevance for women, in a transatlantic dialogue between Spain, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Argentina. These issues include the socialization and struggles of women in rural areas, various aspects of gender violence, communication, women's political practice, references of feminist theory and youth literature, or intersectionality. Finally, five reviews of recent works close this issue of the Cuestiones de Género journal.

    Coord.: Marina Pibernat Vila.

    Number of articles received: 63.

    Number of accepted articles: 32.

  • The Feminist Agenda
    No. 18 (2023)

    The concern for gender equality and its consideration as a fundamental element for social development is very present in our societies. Numerous movements have emerged to denounce the oppression of women from various perspectives. These diverse proposals include, in different ways, a cross-cutting vision of gender relations, reflecting a conceptual challenge and a desire to modify society in order to build a more just and equal social system. The existing gender inequalities in contemporary societies are the result of a historical construction that has generally granted power and public representation to men, while assigning women a subsidiary and complementary role. The progressive understanding of this situation as a structural issue that goes beyond individual realities has allowed for progress in building more balanced power relations between sexes. Feminism is an enlightenment-rooted universalism that has always asserted its political agenda with the help of universal declarations. Said agenda, related to its practical implementation, has removed women from ethicality, turning what was accepted as custom into political oppression. The progressive diffusion, implantation and uncritical acceptance by large sectors of the population of the postulates of postmodernity, along with the more or less overlapping slippage of the postulates of posthumanism, have caused internal tensions within contemporary feminism, while at the same time forced the movement to rearm itself theoretically. For this reason, we have convened this new monograph on the Feminist Agenda, aware of both its relevance in the here and now and also that it should take into account the turbulence to which we are subjected and which we have been carefully observing in recent years. We hope it will be useful to focus a debate that, in our opinion, is necessary, urgent and cannot be postponed to continue fulfilling the objective of achieving real equality between men and women.

    The issue opens with 6 invited articles on current feminism: “They call it feminism and it is not” (Alicia Miyares), “Some legal consequences that can be derived from the entry into force of the Trans Law” (Altamira Gonzalo Valgañón), “Feminist Objections to the Law for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBI people” (Amparo Mañés Barbé), "Review of some arguments in favor of `sexual assistance´” (Ana Cuervo Pollán), “`He says that he loves me´. Gender violence in adolescence” (Teresa San Segundo) and “The usurpation of the reproductive capacity of women: From `empty vessels´ to `surrogate mothers´” (Ana de Miguel Álvarez). The twenty-five contributions that make up the Monograph provide new data on the above topics and their relationship with the Feminist Agenda. To this content are added twenty articles from the Open Tribune, grouped into themes that concern the situation of gender studies, social control and maternity, violence against women and their education. Six book reviews close the issue.

    Coords.: Ana Isabel Blanco García y Elena Aguado Cabezas.

    Number of articles received: 89.

    Number of accepted articles: 51.

  • Matters of gender in physics, engineering and technology
    No. 17 (2022)

    This issue of Matters of Gender reflects specifically on the relevance and topicality of gender studies in physics, engineering and technology through the fifteen contributions that make up the Monographic. On the basis of the official cultural and academic recognition of women scientists vs. men scientists, it investigates the participation of young women in subjects related to technique and technology in the pre-university stage, as well as the androcentric biases that persist in university studies in these disciplines. These are motivated, mainly, by the persistence of very masculinized cloisters that, under the topic of achieved equality, are not very permeable to studies and to the gender perspective. The Monographic concludes with contributions that directly apply gender studies to research and professional activity in these fields.

    Added to this content are seven articles from the Open Tribune, whose topics revolve, in a generic way, about the forms of control and violence exerted on women, focusing on the normalization of bodies, on labor stereotypes, and in the lack of training to face multicultural realities.

    Four reviews of poetry books and essays close the issue, incorporating in one of them the translation of a chapter of the reviewed book, in which the authors themselves have participated.

    Coords.: Ana Jesús López y María Carreiro

    Number of articles received: 30.

    Number of accepted articles: 22.

  • The female agency in audiovisual narratives
    No. 16 (2021)

    This monograph brings together twenty-seven contributions that together provide a plural and diverse view of audiovisual narratives. This look runs through the different audiovisual media starting with the cinema, a fundamental vehicle for gender socialization, and transits through television, VOD platforms and social networks. We have focused especially on the research that makes visible the (under)representation of women in this field and the works focused on the analysis of the audiovisual narrative that contribute to taking stock and diagnosing the current situation from the perspective of the "female agency". .

    The Open Tribune has fifteen contributions to the fields of knowledge of communication, digital culture and gender studies. Finally, the Reviews section presents five manuscripts of literary works.

    Coords.: Mª. Teresa Vera Balanza, Elia Saneleuterio, María Jesús Ruiz Muñoz and Daniele Leoz

    Number of articles received: 94.

    Number of accepted articles: 42.

  • Gender, Science, Technology and Innovation
    No. 15 (2020)

    The gender approach in science considers the diversity of needs according to characteristics such as sex, age, social group, among others, providing a framework to improve representation and participation in the generation of knowledge and innovation to meet these needs and identify appropriate interventions and solutions.

    However, this is not easy since the exclusion lies in those biases, prejudices and stereotypes, often unconscious.

    This issue provides thematic coverage including epistemology, the history and cases of gender inequality, statistics and reasons for the gaps, and proposals for public policies, giving an account of the progress in methodological and conceptual development and in the current debate on gender. in science.

    Coords.: Erica Hynes, Maria Valentina Locher and Maria Laura Donnet

    Number of articles received: 37.

    Number of accepted articles: 22.

  • Violence against women: views without borders
    No. 14 (2019)

    In recent decades, the social phenomenon of interpersonal violence based on gender has gained evidence, revealing a variety of manifestations and widening its semantic margin. Gender violence is associated with similar concepts such as violence against women, domestic violence and marital violence which, despite their different scope, express the same intention of making a complex phenomenon more readable, both due to the social darkness that surrounds it and due to the diversity of situations, modes of conflict and levels of affectation

    The phenomenon of violence against women - persistent, transversal and deterritorialized - is the object of analysis of this monograph entitled "Violence against women: perspectives without borders", which is approached in a diachronic and synchronic framework, as well as through various epistemological and empirical perspectives . The works gathered seek to contribute to the reinforcement of good social and political practices of a humanist nature, and to make known narratives about real experiences and the limit of vulnerability of victims of gender violence.

    Coordinators: Maria Teresa Santos and Maria da Saudade Baltazar

    Number of articles received: 76.

    Number of articles accepted: 37.

  • Women breaking the sexual division of work spaces
    No. 13 (2018)

    We are aware of the persistence of both horizontal and vertical discrimination, that behind the numerical growth in some professions -the most visible- old and new forms of discrimination are hidden that make it difficult for women to appropriate and make their own, spaces designed by the men to be occupied by them. However, we also seek to focus on the achievements, to highlight those advances of women in the world of work that questioned the traditional sexual division of labor. In short, recognizing the scope of these changes, but knowing that accounting for the trends of change implies recognizing, at the same time, the discriminations that remain.

    The gaps that are opening up in the traditional sexual division of labor are the subject of this monograph called "Women Breaking the Sexual Division of Labor Spaces", but it also includes -how could it be otherwise- some advances that can be only apparent and the persistent patriarchal resistance to these changes. All the contributions open up new questions that, without a doubt, will enrich the debates committed to clarifying what work is.

    Coords.: Pilar Ballarín Domingo and Elena Aguado Cabezas

    Number of articles received: 52.

    Number of accepted articles: 22.

  • Alter/Native Feminists
    No. 12 (2017)

    “The wisdom of our wives” was the first title that came to mind when I was commissioned to edit this issue of Cuestiones de Género. It was not a random choice, but the result of a growing distrust towards the usual academic discourses, which privilege epistemologies and methodologies that contribute to the deterritorialization of much marginalized female knowledge, and which are nevertheless essential for collective survival.

    This monograph sought, and perhaps has succeeded, in echoing some of the essential "alter/native wisdom". Western academic feminism has often been accused of ignoring and silencing the many differences that exist among women, assuming that gender is a universal and "omniscient" category of analysis. But the specificities of the "becoming-woman" are incommensurable with each other. Sharing our stories (even at the university level) will make us stronger as stateless, rooted, globalist women...

    Coordinator: Marta Sofía López Rodríguez

    Number of articles received: 45.

    Number of accepted articles: 25.

  • Revista Cuestiones de Género. Convocatoria abierta hasta el 29 de febrero de 2016.

    Leadership, politics and gender
    No. 11 (2016)

    What is politics and how do gender issues influence its existence? We find here a question that is part of the anxieties of several of the researchers who participate in this dossier. If we take politics as a way of organizing society, we know that it is beyond the actions of parties and elections alone. It is in schools, in the media, in the economy, in work activities, in the legal system, in religion and where, more especially, society is organized and the rules of living are dictated.

    The dossier "Leadership, politics and gender" brings experiences from six countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain and Mexico that discuss reflections from various fields with the common challenge of bringing research as the instrument of union between us and us. The authors and authors share their investigations that are, here, divided into the axes:

    1) female leadership in politics, 2) masculinities, and 3) education, representation and economics. The three thematic parts present in common aspects inherent and necessary to leadership: identity, participation, representation and public discourses.

    Coordinator: Luciana Panke

    Number of articles received: 43.

    Number of accepted articles: 31.

  • Constitutional challenges regarding gender
    No. 10 (2015)

    La Constitución se ha consolidado como tal desde que ha abandonado su carácter de documento programático y se ha convertido en una norma, en una ley jerárquicamente superior a las demás disposiciones legislativas de un Estado, capaz de crear derechos y obligaciones que han de implementarse por los diferentes poderes constituidos. En este número monográfico las referencias normativas han copado los primeros artículos, destacando el desarrollo de la Constitución española por la LO 3/2007, de 22 de marzo para la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres (Salazar, Alonso, Jara). La búsqueda de una respuesta jurídica a los problemas suscitados, a los retos meridianamente dibujados en los artículos, es el alma materde esta obra.

    Reflexionar desde la Constitución y con una perspectiva de género ha sido el leit motiv del número 10 de la Revista “Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia”, titulado Retos constitucionales en materia de género. Los atributos con los que se ha querido afrontar esta tarea son los siguientes: legalidad, globalidad, particularidad, humanidad y pragmatismo.

    Coord.: María Esther Seijas Villadangos

    Número de artículos recibidos: 34.

    Número de artículos aceptados: 26.

  • Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia. Nº 8 (2013): Género, educación y atención a la diversidad

    Gender, education and attention to diversity
    No. 9 (2014)

    The probability of belonging to a group at risk of social exclusion is increasing due to the effects of the socioeconomic crisis that current societies are suffering. The affiliation of gender is a transversal factor that rebounds in situations like the one mentioned. On the other hand, the need to integrate the study of this variable within the educational field continues to be a great challenge and constitutes the central theme of this monograph, which we will introduce by making some brief conceptual clarifications.

    The main objective of the magazine “Cuestions de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia” is the dissemination of research that, based on a gender perspective, can contribute to a better understanding of social situations. We understand that this purpose is at the base of any intervention proposal in practice, since theoretical and empirical knowledge is absolutely essential to make accurate diagnoses on which to base social transformations. That is why we have chosen this work topic for this issue.

    Coords.: Raquel Poy Castro and Ana Isabel Blanco García

    Number of articles received: 33.

    Number of accepted articles: 20.

  • Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia. Nº 8 (2013): Género y Transición española: un proyecto de investigación que incorpora las TIC

    Gender and Spanish Transition: a research project that incorporates ICT
    No. 8 (2013)

    This issue of Gender issues: equality and difference has been proposed to accommodate the publication of works that, coming from research projects and doctoral theses, have focused their efforts on the presence of women and their experiences throughout of various political processes of transition: a polysemic expression both for the different meanings attributable to the notion of transition and for those that, from feminist approaches, integrate the sphere of the political.

    The space limitations of this installment –the last to be published on paper- have prevented the admission of important contributions that have also reached our Editorial Board. Both are a clear example of the vitality of this field of study, despite not being institutionally recognized as an area of knowledge.

    Coords.: Elena Aguado Cabezas and Ana Isabel Blanco García

    Number of articles received: 37.

    Number of accepted articles: 15.

  • Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia. Nº 7 (2012): Medios de Comunicación, Publicidad y Género

    Mass Media, Advertising and Gender
    No. 7 (2012)

    The relevance of the mass media and advertising in issuing cultural codes present in the social fabric is evidenced in the actions that are being carried out to achieve effective equality between men and women.

    Faced with a far from optimistic diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the achievements and progress made in the last decade and bear in mind the importance of continuing to investigate the imaginary about women disseminated by the mass media and advertising.

    Bearing this panorama in mind, this issue of the journal intends to contribute its grain of sand by opening its pages to studies carried out around the theme "Media, Advertising and Gender".

    Coordinator: Daniele Leoz

    Number of articles received: 67.

    Number of accepted articles: 18.

  • Women, war and peace
    No. 6 (2011)

    In all historical societies, war is not a strictly military event, nor exclusively developed on the front line of battle. Along with the military actions waged at the front, there is always a much wider space, the rear, in which life is transformed. The entire civilian population suffers the disasters of war, adapts to its requirements and, in doing so, pre-existing cultural categories are blurred.

    The first cultural border that is diluted in every war conflagration is the one that separates the public from the private; consequently, the traditional patriarchal allocation of spaces based on gender is overwhelmed and rendered completely useless even for the military and political powers that have tried to maintain it.

    Our purpose in this monograph on Gender Issues intends to go through the rearguard and the vanguard of armed conflicts in recent centuries, returning to the female experience in wars and their contribution to the demands for peace.

    Coordinator: Elena Aguado Cabezas

    Number of articles received: 24.

    Number of accepted articles: 14.

  • New reflections on health from a gender perspective
    No. 5 (2010)

    Analyzing health from a gender perspective requires reporting on gender inequalities and inequities in order to explain the health status of women and men, on the way in which they consult and are cared for in the health system, trying to identify gender stereotypes that motivate different and unequal results in the provision of services.

    Incorporating the gender perspective into the study of health is to reveal the differential status of women and men in our society, the power relations between the sexes and the social control over women.

    In this volume of Gender Issues: From Equality to Difference, we reflect on social stereotypes around the body, health and illness of women.

    Coordinator: Adelina Rodríguez Pacios

    Number of articles received: 29.

    Number of accepted articles: 23.

  • woman and work
    No. 4 (2009)

    The historical and universal sexual division of labor, which is far from natural but social and asymmetrical, has led to the subjugation of women by men. Greater value has been given to activities considered masculine due, above all, to the social and economic devaluation of reproductive functions. This devaluation has been transferred to paid work, so that tasks tend to be attributed different prestige depending on whether they are performed by men or women.

    The devaluation of women's work is a constant over time. Political economy itself was based on the exclusion of work of social value and utility performed by women. The question of the value of work is key because it helps us to address the issue of social asymmetries and inequalities between men and women.

    The different contributions of this monograph address work as an object of study that goes beyond the "social relationship of employment". We will try to give social value to the different forms of work, paid or not, carried out by women.

    Coordinator: Maria del Rosario Marcos Santiago

    Number of articles received: 20.

    Number of accepted articles: 15.

  • Violence against women: the dimensions of inequality
    No. 3 (2008)

    We could begin the presentation of this monograph on violence against women by counting the number of victims that have occurred over the years in which this issue began to become part of the political agenda.

    We could also do so by focusing on the discussion about the “correct” name of this social problem (from the sociological, psychological, legal point of view, etc.) or by elaborating a justification of its relevance from democratic criteria.

    However, I think it is interesting to do it by entering directly into the debate about "Violence against women: the dimensions of inequality", which for a few years has covered the entire substratum of feminist thought and to which the title itself is largely indebted. from our journal.

    Coordinator: Ana Isabel Blanco García

    Number of accepted articles: 15.

  • Psychoanalysis and woman
    No. 2 (2007)

    This issue is dedicated to presenting –from various psychoanalytic positions– the reflections that the authors make about the profoundly “unnatural” or “non-instinctive, predetermined or predetermined” human sexuality and specifically female sexuality. It seeks to show how, although sexuality has to do with anatomy, it requires an unconscious psychic inscription that makes it especially conflictive.

    Said psychic inscription is not genetically determined. It is a cultural product but it is established not only in consciousness but also in the unconscious and following laws that do not respond to the logic of consciousness.

    With this monograph "Psychoanalysis and women", it is intended to accommodate the words of those who listen to women, what is said about them, what determines who we are.

    Coordinator: Blanca Loreto Domenech Delgado

    Number of accepted articles: 10.

  • Women and higher education
    No. 1 (2006)

    One of the social transformations that not only society but also the University itself has had to face is the incorporation of women into its space, which is still a reflection of more general social changes, such as the massive incorporation of women to fulfill functions traditionally reserved for men.

    Identifying the mechanisms that can act against the claim of equality is an important step to counteract it. Acting now should be our purpose, knowing the difficulties and risks, since not only our immediate future is in our hands but also the responsibility of building a more egalitarian society for future generations. And for this, and despite the inequalities that we have observed, the University is a privileged place. We believe that this issue of our journal is a good example of this.

    Coordinator: Ana Isabel Blanco García

    Number of articles accepted: 11.

  • Journal Presentation
    No. .0 (2005)

    This project that we present and offer today aims to be an annual publication and is from this moment available to all people who are interested in making feminism a more solid theoretical perspective within the Spanish university panorama and an instrument for the transformation of a reality, which Even today it appears to us to be stubbornly contrary to the aspirations of our precursors.

    Cuestiones de Género journal aims to collect the contributions of all those people who, working from any of the aforementioned feminist perspectives, are willing to debate the issues that are currently affecting our respective disciplines.

    We believe that this will be a benefit for society in general, and very particularly, for that half of the population that has remained invisible, despite the efforts that, as we have explained in the first part of this presentation, have been made to throughout history.

    Coordinator: Interdisciplinary Seminar on Women's Studies of the University of León

    Number of articles accepted: 7.