No. 2 (2007): Psychoanalysis and woman

					View No. 2 (2007): Psychoanalysis and woman

This issue is dedicated to presenting –from various psychoanalytic positions– the reflections that the authors make about the profoundly “unnatural” or “non-instinctive, predetermined or predetermined” human sexuality and specifically female sexuality. It seeks to show how, although sexuality has to do with anatomy, it requires an unconscious psychic inscription that makes it especially conflictive.

Said psychic inscription is not genetically determined. It is a cultural product but it is established not only in consciousness but also in the unconscious and following laws that do not respond to the logic of consciousness.

With this monograph "Psychoanalysis and women", it is intended to accommodate the words of those who listen to women, what is said about them, what determines who we are.

Coordinator: Blanca Loreto Domenech Delgado

Number of accepted articles: 10.

Published: 2007-06-15